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Stronglifts 5x5 Workout - Best Strength Training Programme for Beginners

Stronglifts 5x5 Workout - Best Strength Training Programme for Beginners

The fitness industry is littered with fad workouts that tell you what to do, how to do it, and promise amazing results. They come. They go. And a new one is born. The 5x5 workout is not one of those fads. Much like our understanding of the benefits of exercise overall - this training programme has stood the test of time having originated in 1960 by the legendary bodybuilder, Reg Park. It has lived on since then. It has taken on different forms throughout the years into v[…]

78 Science Backed Benefits of Weightlifting for Seniors

78 Science Backed Benefits of Weightlifting for Seniors

The ageing process is a daunting and irresistible one.Which is why effort and action must be taken to improve the overall health, longevity, and quality of life. Despite this, 80% of adults are not engaging in enough physical activity to reach prescribed guidelines and full health benefits of exercise. In general, but especially for seniors, inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle are extremely dangerous. What are the dangers exactly? Increased risk of serious adverse health[…]

Fun in the Mud - Trends In Obstacle Course Racing

Fun in the Mud - Trends In Obstacle Course Racing

In this article, we explore the development of obstacle course racing (OCR) in the last 8 years. For this reason, we have analysed 3,698,112 results from 1,825 events held in the USA between 2010 and 2017. Key Result The following graphs show that obstacle course racing has become increasingly more popular over the last 8 years. Attracting ever more participants. The data also shows, that in 2015 a saturation of the market occurs. And since then the numbers of the partic[…]

The Complete Science-Backed Guide to Lifting Shoes: Barefoot and Beyond

The Complete Science-Backed Guide to Lifting Shoes: Barefoot and Beyond

Why do we wear shoes? I mean, it isn’t like cavemen used to camp outside for 2-3 days to cop the freshest pair of shoes from the Air Jordan Hunter Gatherer collection. Yet, they seemed to have done alright fighting to survive day in and day out. Nowadays everyone always has a pair of shoes on unless they are swimming or showering. Hell, I have never even seen my own dad’s feet (true story). But why is that? Do shoes improve our physical capabilities in sports or are they[…]