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Roster: Danny Chambers, Ruben Eriksson, Marcus Thomas, Thalia Meraz (CMF)

Hey my name is Thalia Meraz and I am a part of the PONY (PRODUCT OF NEW YORK) team and I have been handling our team’s Color, Material and Fabric story for the brand. Just to give a quick recap of my experience with my team for the past week so far; once assigned groups, we met up to talk about our visions for PONY. I think we instantly clicked because prior to being assigned teams, Dwayne gave a description of what the brand was looking for and once we met for the first time to talk about PONY we all instantly felt inspired and excited to start because we were automatically on the same page and seemed to have had the same vision. On our first official meeting we mostly spoke about the direction and lifestyle we envisioned for PONY. By the second day designers Danny Chambers, Ruben Eriksson, Marcus Taylor and myself met frequently thought out the day to discuss ideas and a story for PONY. Re-Vamping the brand all while staying true to New York and the brands heritage was instantly something we all felt strong about and once that was discussed, Inspiration came rushing through. New York sceneries, colors and culture play a big part of Brand story and I separated each color and scenery story to Danny, Ruben and Marcus according to the time, mood and state of mind of the consumer throughout the day. Once I knew that this was the direction in story that I wanted to take I took a moment with each of the guys to sort of feel them out and assigned accordingly. Each story and emotion fits perfectly with each of the guys (Danny, Ruben and Marcus) It is almost as if each one was made for them and I am excited for them to get started on their shoe designs and see how it plays out once colors and materials are on the shoes. If I could describe the vibe and direction of this project in three words, they would be: Honesty, Heart and Drive.
I can’t lie I felt a little anxious taking on such responsibilities at first but once I got started I knew I was capable. It also helps having such great team members who are insanely talented and inspire me in their own way. I think we are all learning from each other and really working well as a team.
As to what I can say about my experience with PENSOLE so far is that this program is no seriousness! I’ve learned more in one day than I have anywhere else. Dwayne’s morning Pow Wow’s and lectures are what I really look forward to everyday. I feel like everything he says is helping me build character.
Looking forward to the days to come!

Marcus working on his sketches and Ruben in the back enjoying an icey pop. My work space (still in progress).

– Thalia Meraz

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