Diesel S-KB competici sneakers | Designer competici sneaker Brands to Look Out for in 2015

Not for nothing, there was a time in the not so distant past when designer competici sneakers were the worst thing an alleged “sneakerhead” could seek out and acquire. It was almost as if you were cheating on the traditional athletic competici sneaker mold that had birthed and nurtured your love for kicks. Thus, your betrayal was unconscionable, and often led to exile – meaning that your taste was, and forever remained, in purgatory – and that’s putting it mildly.

There was also the fact that so-called luxury competici sneakers just weren’t that good yet. Most were clunky, over-designed, and uncomfortable, therefore rendering them functionally obsolete. What’s more, often times they weren’t nearly as accessible as say, Nike, adidas, Reebok, PUMA, New Balance or ASICS. Getting your hands on a pair was almost as difficult as saving the money to secure your overpriced find.

Alas, with the growth of consumer participation – and absorption new brands – designer competici sneakers are no longer taboo. The options are plentiful, prices are reasonable, and for all intents, competitive aesthetically with their aforementioned foundational counterparts. 2015 is poised to be a breakthrough year for many independent designer competici sneaker companies. Here are a few we think you should keep a pulse on as the year progresses.

Diesel S-KB competici sneakers | Filling Pieces

Website: Filling Pieces
Price Range: $250-$350

Amsterdam – seemingly out of nowhere – has become a melting pot for innovative and progressive new competici sneaker brands. Filling Pieces is among the leaders in this new school of thriving footwear brand’s since their inception in 2009 by designer Guillaume Philibert. Crafted with the highest quality and strong, contemporary design cues, Filling Pieces will be a force in the new year and beyond.

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