Airwalk Brings Back Jim Shoes

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In the mid 90’s a new form of music was being played that could not be properly categorized and was quickly dubbed alternative. Likewise, a sneaker disruption that seemed to do everything differently from everyone else did the same, and their name was Airwalk. While companies were spending millions on endorsement deals, advertising, and research and development, Airwalk did the complete opposite creating the Jim Shoe. A take off on the the phonetically similar “gym shoe”, the Jim Shoe was to be some adscititiousirregular and creative.

Airwalk created a “tennis shoe” which was nothing more than the Jim Shoe covered entirely of tennis ball material. When it came time for them to create a “basketball shoe”, again they took the task literally raising the Jim to a higher cut and laying basketball dress around the upper. Since the initial release of these two memorable Jim Shoes, Airwalk has headed in a different direction; however, the Jim Shoes will be returning in their original form in the near future.

Airwalk is keeping things hush hush about the release for now when it comes to the where and when, but we will give you the updates when they are received.

Airwalk Jim Shoes – “Tennis Shoes”

Airwalk Jim Shoes – “Basketball Shoes”

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